The Cut - Everywhere and Nowhere What it’s really like to be black and work in fashion.

The Cut - Everywhere and Nowhere What it’s really like to be black and work in fashion.

“When you’re self-owned and trying to get on your feet, you don’t have the amount of resources a lot of other people do. I have no one to fall back on, other than the income I make from selling: one denim pair of jeans [sold] is gonna help me buy the next two yards of fabric to make another pair. I have so many ideas, so much creativity inside of me. I get invited to be a part of all these fashion weeks, but they cost from $10K to $20K and up just to be in the show. Well I don’t have the money to do that. I can’t even get the plane ticket to go to New York, let alone pay for hair and makeup and models. It’s hard to survive and wait for that moment when everything aligns when you have been working your ass off nonstop.”